Make them Stop!

So, we’re back to where we were a week ago.  She started back with the daily seizures on Saturday morning during the play date, and we’ve had one per day since then.  Sunday’s was later at night, and then today and yesterday they were right around dinner time, so right in the middle of the dose cycle.  I’m about 98% sure it’s activity related, because every single one she’s had since starting the medication has been while she was active.  It makes sense, activity gets the blood pressure up, which in turn raises cranial pressure if I’m not mistaken, so increase in pressure equals seizure.  So do we keep her quiet or do we let her be a puppy and realize we’re going to have seizures?  Right now she’s harassing the cats and wrestling with Ghost.  It makes the house feel normal, but I still worry that she’s going to go into one at any second.

I think we might have avoided one last night, but I need to do some more experiments.  We’ve noticed that most of the time when she has one, she goes into it from zoomies.  We now call it seizure zoomies.  Well, she got zoomies last night and looked rather frantic, so I called her out of it and gave her a little squirt of Rescue Remedy and she was fine.  I’m not sure if it actually did anything or if it was purely coincidental, but I’m going to be testing some stuff with her over the next few days.  I’m going to limit the activity with Ghost for 2 days and see how she does, if she’s doing well then I’m going to introduce activity back in.  We shall see.  Today’s may have been exacerbated too, she was ripping around the yard with Ghost and she fell in the pool.  It was actually kind of funny, she came flying around from the side yard, realized she was too close to the pool and tried to put on the brakes, but she still skidded across the concrete and right on in.  I fished her out, but about 2 minutes later we had seizure zoomies.

We had another acupuncture session today as well, and thankfully she did not manage to eat any needles this time 😛  We distracted her with a frozen jar of baby food, and it worked like a champ.  She was more than happy to sit there licking the frozen chicken in chicken gravy while she got turned into a canine pin cushion.  She also started a new supplement today, called Peanut Hydrocephalus Powder.  I hope this stuff works, I really want these to stop.  She still pops right back up like nothing happened, but I’m so afraid she’s doing damage every time she has another one.  I really need these to stop, if the holistic stuff and inactivity don’t do anything, I’m going to go ahead and let the neurologist add in the zonisamide.

On a lighter note, we had a milestone of sorts today at work.  We’ve been working on “other paw” with her to give us her left paw, and she finally got it today.  I was so excited I was giddy, it was actually sort of pathetic.  But for us, it was a coveted moment of normalcy.  I even texted Aaron about it while bragging to everyone at work 😛

On a completely unrelated note, I love how I can bang out 500 words here like it’s nothing, but a 500 word essay is pure torture 😛