Happy Gotcha Day

It’s hard to believe this journey began a year ago today.  We were so happy and excited to have Shadow come home, and definitely breathed a sigh of relief when Shadow wasn’t the hellion that Ghost was at that age.  Little did we know that was a sign that all was not right with her.  This past year has been an emotional rollercoaster ride from hell, with a lot of anger, sadness, and lashing out at anyone within reach.  We were so resentful towards our friends with “normal” dogs, and racked our brains to try to figure out what we had done wrong to be left with a special needs dog.

It isn’t fair.  Why us?  Why Shadow? Have we offended some deity and this is Its wrath raining down upon us?  Whatever the reason, we have fought for some semblance of normalcy this past year.  We deal with judgmental looks and mutters of “it’s just a dog”.  “Wait, you hire a babysitter for your dog?!”.  Whatever, they can take those attitudes and shove them.  Shadow is the sweetest, happiest dog that has such a profound effect on everyone she meets.  She is a testament to resiliency, and we could all learn a thing or two from her.  She has no idea she has limitations, she just runs along following Ghost and eating things she’s not supposed to.  She loves everyone, and greets our Midshipmen and other guests with a full on conversation when they walk through our door.

We’ve learned so much from her, and despite the hardship and tears and late nights in the emergency room we are better off from having her grace our lives.  So happy Gotcha Day, Shadow, and here’s to many more!